SEO Essentials 2023 Every Website Owner Must Follow

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Today, every website owner wants their website to rank on Google against their desired keywords. However, it is not that easy, but not impossible either. With the right SEO practices and some patience, you can rank your website on Google and other search engines.

With this aim, let’s look at some of the most important SEO essentials that you, as a website owner or digital marketer, should follow to rank your website.

Primary SEO Essentials

First, let’s have a look at some basics you need. These will help you analyze your website and provide you with SEO analytics.

  1. Google Search Console

The Google Search Console is a powerful free SEO tool.

Google Search Console – Search performance report

It helps you in tracking your website’s performance in Google searches. Along with a wonderful user interface, it is packed with some significant features.

  • Traffic analysis based on keywords and URLs
  • Submitting sitemaps
  • You can easily fix your website errors
  • Comparison of past and current records
  • And many more.

If you really want to SEO rank your website, you need to set up Google Search Console on the first go.

  1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides a detailed analysis of how people find your web pages. It helps in making many decisions and improving your web traffic.

Google Analytics
  • Some of the many helpful features of Google Analytics are as follows.
  • Check the pages which are providing you with the most traffic
  • It allows you to check the source of traffic on your pages
  • Analyze the increase or decrease in your website’s traffic
  • You can also check the bounce rate, page views and how much time a user is spending on the site.
  • With the help of Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics, you can also analyze each of your users and their movement on the website.

Extra Tip: Connecting Google Analytics with Google Search Console allows you to see more information related to your website traffic, keywords and URLs.

Google Analytics – Landing pages

Keyword Research Essentials

Keywords play the most important role when you are up to SEO and optimize your website. In order to rank well in the SERPs, you need to optimize your content with quality keywords.

  1. Discovering Long Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords have more potential to rank, and they are more likely to convert in comparison to other keywords.

You can find long tail keywords with Google suggest or Google Keyword Planner and include them in your content.

  1. Finding The LSI Keywords

Along with your focused keyword, it is necessary to look for some relevant keywords also. You can find LSI keywords with Google suggest, SEMRush and Ahrefs as well.

These keywords help Google understand your content well and rank it for your desired query. For instance, if you are targeting a keyword, do my essay UK, then the possible LSI keywords could be, write my essay, write my essay in the UK, the best service to do my essay, where can I do my essay, etc.

  1. Leveraging WH Keywords

Since Google values local SEO and voice searches are increasing at a rapid pace. It is important to leverage WH questions along with your keywords.

For instance, if your focused keyword is, ‘digital marketing service’. You need to emphasize keywords like which is the best digital marketing service, etc. 

On-Page SEO Essentials

On-page SEO is all about the changes and updations on your website. They can be related to your content, URLs, meta tags, etc.

  1. Leveraging Your Keywords

The first and foremost thing with on-page SEO is to include your keywords in the right places. For instance, while creating a content of 1000 words, your focused keyword should be in the first paragraph, last paragraph, one or two subheadings, main header (H1), and spread throughout the content.

Along with that, you need to include a complete keyword or some part of it in your URL, making sure that the URLs are descriptive. Also, include your focused keyword in the meta title and meta description.

  1. Placement Of LSI Keywords

You can place the relevant keywords or LSI keywords in the content as per the need. However, try to include some LSI keywords in the subheadings (H2 and H3). You can use them throughout the content at appropriate places.

  1. Taking Care Of The Keywords Density

Just placement of the keywords is not enough when it comes to best on-page SEO practices. You need to be very careful about the density of focused and LSI keywords.

According to experts, you can keep the density of focused keywords to 1 to 2 percent. For instance, if you have 1000 words on your webpage, then you can include your focused keyword 10 to 20 times. However, while working on Dissertation Assistance campaigns, I personally observed that keeping the keyword density around 1 will work better for you.

For LSI or relevant keywords, you can include them once or twice in the content according to the need.

  1. Images & Alt Tags

It is important to add graphics to your content in the shape of images or videos. Provide them with proper Alt tags and descriptions. Use your focused keyword or some part of it in the Alt tags.

  1. Internal & External Linking

Internal linking and external linking play a very important role in on-page SEO. Make sure to include one or two relevant authentic external links in your content where necessary. Mark them as no follow.

Furthermore, try to include 3 to 4 internal links in your content linking back to some of your other pages on the website. Use relevant keywords for the particular page for internal linking.

Some More Tools & Tips

With your backlinking strategy, be sure to create contextual backlinks. According to numerous experts and my personal experience, guest posting will do the best for you.

  1. You can use Yoast SEO to improve your content if you are using WordPress.
  1. Make sure to increase the website loading speed with the help of Google PageSpeed Insights.
Google PageSpeed Insights – Backlinko – Results
  1. You need to secure your website with HTTPS; Google values it.
  2. Look for broken links on your website and fix them.

Following these tips will help you rank your website. I wish you the best of luck in ranking your website.

Author Bio

Claudia Jeffrey is currently working as a Marketing Manager at CrowdWriter. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with the readers. In her leisure time, you will find her cooking and trying new recipes.

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