How to Keep a Relationship Alive Under Quarantine and Tips That Work Even for Couples with Open Relationships

Being in a relationship is a great feeling, but it demands a lot of effort to make it work. Dating and relationship dynamics have changed considerably post COVID. Truly, the coronavirus pandemic has altered the way people would go out and find a dating partner. Those already in a relationship are left with no choice but to spend an unbelievably long time with their partner. This sparks new interests and even triggers new conversations, which may or may not be beneficial for the relationship itself.

However, many couples take this time as an opportunity to grow their relationship and identify how to overcome existing issues. This is especially the case for those in open relationships and already sleeping with multiple partners. With COVID, their network of “friends” may not be as active as before, which can take a toll on the quality of life for every person involved. But, there are ways to keep relationships alive even under these tough circumstances.

Try Online Dating to Find a Partner

If you succumb to the negativity caused by isolation and quarantine, you will soon watch your relationship fall apart. Give your partner more time and discuss the possibility of finding a partner through online dating sites. Understand that there are so many couples who are in open relationships but are now forced to stay at home because of the pandemic. Of course, things have become easier after vaccinations, but nothing works as smoothly as finding partners online.

The interesting thing is that you can find all sorts of individuals online. You can be a couple seeking men and find bisexual men through dating sites. Or, you may be interested in meeting other couples and swapping partners. Whatever the case, online dating sites are there to help and go a long way in keeping the love alive, even in quarantine.

Other Interesting Tips to Keep the Romance Alive

Besides using online dating, you can do so much more to ensure your relationship stays strong. Contrary to popular belief, poly isn’t all about sex. It’s not cheating in any way because it’s relationship-focused, and every person involved is aware of the arrangement. Here are some other tips to help you enjoy open relationships:

Communicate and Keep Dating

Don’t let anything stop you from enjoying your life, and being on a dating site can surely help couples looking for a third. Communication is always important. It’s as important as internet marketing is for the survival of a new business – your partner should know what you have on your mind. Talk to your partner and be clear about what you truly appreciate. Never let arguments come in the way and lead to emotionally charged discussions.

Pursue Individual Hobbies and Interests

Having fun together is vital, but you should also spend some time doing what makes you feel happy. Those solo trips can keep you grounded and make your open relationships a lot easier. If you like online dating, let your partner know. Healthy jealousy is always a good sign in open relationships, but it should not come in your way of having fun. Try online dating sites and chat rooms to make new friends and look for some activities that would bring you closer to like-minded people.

Support Each Other in Every Situation

Even if it seems you two are marching to the beat of your own drum, you should be there to support each other. Again, your priorities should be clear. Whether you want to support your primary relationship partner or want to be emotionally attached to your lover is a question that needs to be answered carefully. Being clear about it would work wonders to make your open relationships work in quarantine.


Just like every other intimate relationship, open relationships require a lot of time and effort, especially in quarantine when your usually friend’s network is not that functional. You can always bank on dating sites, but make sure to have your partner onboard. Feeling close and connected is crucial for a vibrant relationship, and communication can help you achieve your goal in quarantine.

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