Find out about the average business electricity and gas consumption

As a business owner, there is a chance that you already know why you should keep the costs low. This is why successful businesses usually look for great energy deals. An energy broker can assist you by securing an energy deal that fits your business model. 

They can also advise you on how you can reduce your business energy consumption, which is also a good way you can potentially make huge savings for your business. But before you start looking for cheaper energy deals, it makes sense to understand the average business electricity and gas consumption. In this article, you will find out about the average business electricity and gas consumption. 

Energy prices

There are usually two ways you can pay more money for the energy your business consumes. This can happen if you let the current energy deal to end without arranging a new one. Another way is if you fail to negotiate a new energy deal with the current energy supplier or change to a new energy supplier.

Regardless of whether or not you have switched energy suppliers, it’s still a good idea to check energy prices, especially when your energy contract is about to expire. You can Click Here to learn more about energy contracts.

That said, the average energy consumption figures are usually measured in kilowatt hours. This is a measure of energy that is equivalent to 1,000 watts. For example, your desktop computer and monitor can use about 500 watts per hour, meaning that you are using 1 kilowatt of energy every two hours.

Therefore, if your business spends more money than other businesses of the same size, it simply means that you have the chance of making huge savings by switching energy suppliers or tariffs. You should also remember that businesses tend to be unique when it comes to energy consumption habits as well as the type of business operations. This means that some businesses can use more energy than others. 

Simply put, what may be an average annual electricity consumption for one business, or an average gas consumption for another, may not match your experience. Therefore, you should consider the average energy consumption as a guide to help you understand how other businesses are using their energy.

Finding the right business energy prices

Unlike a household, energy suppliers off businesses customized quotes that are based on specific circumstances. An energy supplier takes into account some information about a business before they can give them a quote. For instance, an energy supplier can consider the daily energy usage and size of a business. 

If you have a larger company, then you can utilize specific electricity consumption meters that offer regular and accurate readings. These meters are known as half-hourly meters because they can record energy usage in half an hour or even less blocks. This allows an energy supplier to provide price incentives to large customers who can lower their energy demand at peak hours. And, if you have several premises, then it makes sense to get multi-site metering.

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