Cultural change. It’s a hot topic everywhere: from public events to various establishments, and now, in the workplace. Now, like with any new trend, every change starts with how people think, meaning that minds won’t change overnight.

So, how can you ensure a smooth transition brought on by cultural change in the workplace?

This brief guide will explain cultural change, and how you can build trust in spite of it.

Culture And Cultural Change

“When one thinks about culture, it often refers to what’s seen in people’s behaviors and attitudes towards certain things and topics,” says Melissa Winston, a health and wellness writer at Ukservicesreviews and Best essay writing services UK. “In other words, while one person believes in one thing about, say, religion, another person might say and think otherwise.”

So, what happens if there’s cultural change in an organization?

“When cultural change happens inside any company or organization,” adds Winston, “it first happens in the head, meaning that people are free to think about the emerging culture. However, more and more companies are encouraging employees and management to be more diverse and inclusive towards each other to promote a positive work environment.”

Why Manage Culture Change?

Cultural change may come out of nowhere, whether due to the going-ons of today’s society, or if it’s due to feedback from consumers and or employees. No matter the reason, there has to be trust, in order for the change to work.

When it comes to trust, you’ll need to be honest in everything that you say and do. That means:

  • No belittling others
  • Helping others
  • Speaking up when you need to
  • Showing compassion towards others, etc.

Just keep in mind: You can’t force things to happen, or else it can backfire on you. Although it can take time for you to foster trust, it’ll be worth it once everyone is on board.

Building Trust With Cultural Change Management

Trust is never a one-sided ordeal. In fact, trust involves everyone, including yourself. As you can see, trust in any organization works three ways:

  • At a company level with the CEO, management, etc.
  • At a team level, especially with groups and collaborations
  • At an interpersonal level (employee-to-employee)

If one person doesn’t trust the other, or if an employee doesn’t trust a supervisor, then that can be a sore spot for the company.

Bringing Confidence And Benefit With Effective Cultural Change

Now that we understand the importance of managing cultural change and building trust, it’s time to create a culture of trust in the workplace. Here are 5 ways to do so:

  1. Be Supportive And Truthful

It’s important to tell the truth, whether you’re employee or a supervisor. Plus, be supportive whenever someone is going through hard times, or even shares different views than anyone else on the team. Sensitivity is vital to ensuring that everyone can express their feelings about things, rather than let them suffer alone.

  • Be A Good Listener

Instead of ignoring someone, pay attention to what they’re saying. Are they feeling okay? Are they having problems with something or somebody?

Actively listening to someone not makes that other person feel better, but they also might see you as a friend for being a good listener.

  • Practice Consistency

Cultural change isn’t something that’ll come and go within a day, or even within hours. Cultural change is often here to stay. That’s why it’s important to be consistent when promoting the change. Pay attention to the commitments brought on by cultural change, and keep the vibes going.

  • Practice What You Preach

“While having employees be more open to cultural change is essential,” says Joshua Winters, a journalist writer at Eliteassignmenthelp and Custom Writing Services, “it’s important for supervisors, management, the CEO, and so on, to be open to the change as well. When everyone – employee and employer – are being acceptable to cultural change, it influences others to follow suit, thus creating an appreciative workplace culture.”

  • Be Accountable

Finally, hold yourself accountable for cultural change. As a company, you must make people your top priority. That means to welcome the change.

Plus, know when you make mistakes. While not everyone is perfect when it comes to cultural change, acknowledging your mistakes promotes honesty and trust within your organization.


Ultimately, it takes plenty of trust and support to usher in cultural change. By welcoming cultural change in your company, not only will you promote a great workplace culture, but consumers will see the change for themselves through you.

Madeline Miller is a writer and editor at Essay Writing Service and Assignment Services. She is also a contributing writer for Big Assignments. As a business development manager, Madeline oversees many business projects in various companies nationwide. As a content writer, she writes articles about psychology, social media, and health and wellness.